Wednesday, May 7, 2008

garden photos

pictured above: cherry tomato bush in big red pot, peppermint in small wooden planter, lavender in white ceramic pot, pineapple sage in tall white ceramic pot behind post. on the steps are two stoneware pots with bulb flowers that i do not remember the name of. in the big pot with the hay, cuttings from the remains of a dying fig tree than i am hoping will take root (using rooting hormone) but i am not very hopeful that it will work....

in the background, under the hay is a row of various asiatic lilies and caladuims, just sprouting. on the deck is a lemon thyme plant, citronella candle, cinnamon basil, sweet basil, leeks, some kind of ground cover plants, and a lemon balm plant in the terracotta. also, a waiting to be planted jasmine bush - smells awesome! oh, and a pair of dirty socks.
i realize i may be the only person in the world fascinated with watching bamboo growing, but damn, look at those shoots! those are 4 days old! louie has been a good boy and not knocked any more of them over.

johnny and i made these steps leading up to my parent's house (next door) with leftover cement from our stepping stone experiment (which failed). it feels a lot safer walking up and down that little hill now.

and of course, my garden! the peas have come up, as well as the cucumbers and even the carrots have teeny little sprouts coming up! i just love love love my little garden.

and even though i said i wouldn't post any progress pics until it was finished, i had to show off my first chicken! moto is ready to meet his new little friends....


Anonymous said...

&&what kind are they?

Seagrass said...

i probably wont get them until this weekend, and that's only if my mother cooperates. i have no clue what kind they'll be - all i know is they are the egg laying kind... it's hard to find just four good hens. but they will be happy hens - wait til you see the finished coop! it's a beaut!

Anonymous said...

I love that bamboo, glad louie hasn't knocked any more over :)

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