Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cute Overload

i just spent all morning nursing a headache that has left my brain permanently scarred and looking at cute pictures on the internet. i thought i would share them. these are from

there are a lot more where these came from, i just don't have the patience to post them all here. it's the captions that make them funnier. here's my version of cute overload:

can you believe some monster (Vick) could hang, drown, electrocute and fight to the death these sweet, cuddly, adorable dogs??

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In the beginning.....

Wow. My very first blog. I my first day of school. I remember walking down the sidewalk, wearing my yellow raincoat and carrying my purple umbrella with the fuzzy hair handle and my lunchbox. My mom taking pictures of me like a dork and feeling - like I'm watching all of this from the sky. Okay, maybe it doesn't quite feel like my first day of school but it's close. I don't really know what to do with myself, which is strange because normally I can't shut myself up. I fear that this blog may facilitate my well-masked obsessive rambling tendency that should probably remain obscured. Too late now - the floodgates have been released. Or maybe not. Who the hell really has the time to blog??? I certainly don't! Plus, I can never remember user names and passwords. This is probably just an exercise in futility. I love that phrase. Never get to use it much. Well, I suppose I should at least attempt to spare friends and family (and the occasional stranger) from my long drawn-out emails so perhaps this blog will serve as an outlet for my ramblings. I'm more of a letter writer and forum poster. I guess it's only natural for me to become a blogger.

So, should I catch myself up for the past decade or so that I have missed blogging? I could start at my earliest childhood memories....No that's just not normal. I have to keep it current. Well, currently I have the FLU. I've had it since saturday night about 2:30 a.m. when I woke up from a dead sleep feeling like I was burning in hell. I had a fever and I felt like the birthday pinata of some rich South American druglord's spoiled 6 year old daughter. I didn't even hesitate to wake Johnny - which I tried to do as unalarmingly as possible by whispering into his ear "honey, I think I need to go to the hospital" which had the same effect as if I were to blast into a megaphone "911!!!" He was instantly awake and asked me what I needed. So he went to the drugstore to get a thermometer and some medicine. I wont go into great detail about Johnny's errand making abilities but lets just say I nearly DIED before he came back. Of course, without a thermometer. Fortunately he found an old one, actually 3 old ones, one of which was not working, the other was unreliable at best and the last one was the old fashioned mercury thermometer which I hate using. After taking my temperature about a dozen times we estimated my fever at about 101.8 degrees.

The next few days were a blur of sweat, fever, chills, body aches, mild delerium, and constipation. I didn't go to work monday. I hate calling in sick cause I always feel like I'm obviously lying even when I'm not. I went in on Tuesday but succumbed to the skull splitting headache and went to the doctor. Yay! I have a viral infection - confirmed.

So now it's Wednesday and I'm still at home and I actually have SPARE TIME. What an incredible thing it is to have spare time. I can't remember the last time I had that was spare. Well, maybe when I broke my ankle but I don't count extreme pain and disability as spare time because I'm too busy being miserable.

Which brings me to my next thought...I'm slowly falling apart. It seems to have started with my previous engagement from hell to a person I wish I could just forget entirely. I think the stress of that "relationship" really messed me up. I became hysterical and my health was compromised. I snapped my ankle like a chopstick while walking (down a muddy path), I got some kind of flesh-eating infection on my toe, I got chaffing and skin infection in ungodly places, and now my very bone structure needs to be rehabilitated. Let this be a lesson to all young women out there: don't put up with his shit!

Well, I'm anxious to see how this blog looks so I'll stop the nonsense here.

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