Tuesday, May 13, 2008

chickens are stupid?

sorry no pictures as of right now but i wanted to say more about the chickens, who are nameless still. i daresay chickens are stupid. last night was the second night i had to manually place each chicken into their henhouse. they figured out how to get out of it in the morning but don't remember how to get back in at night. so i had to pick up each one and place them together in their house. which is kind of fun, but a pain in the ass, too. i hope they figure out how to get inside at night soon.

but they have figured out that i am the source of food and fresh hay. when i go up to their pen clucking like a dumbass, they all poke their heads up and watch me coming, instead of running away. and when i open the door they come up to me! this morning they were even trying to eat the feed out of my cup before i could put it down. it's kinda cute. they all crowd around me, peeping.

yesterday i let them out of their pen for a few minutes to see what they would do. they all came out and started scratching and pecking. i had a bamboo stick to herd them if they started flying all over the place but they didn't go far from the pen. i got them back inside with no problems. a couple of my neighbors were walking past my house when i was herding the chickens back into the pen with my bamboo stick. i'm sure they think i am nuts.

did i mention that B bought me a harmonica the other day? it's a cheap plastic translucent pink one, but i love it and wanted one for a while. now, i come home and practice my harmonica on the front porch. i watch my chickens and garden grow. all i need now is a straw hat and some overalls. i wanted to start a bluegrass band that covers 80's pop but i'm having a hard time recruiting a banjo player and fiddler...


sister*bluebird said...

Sounds like you got Corporate Chickens from some big operation. Like they werent really handled much. One thing I have noticed about chickens and Domestic breed turkeys is that when they go to sleep, its very easy to sneak up on them and pick them up. Just like in the old cartoons with animated weasles stealing hens off of nests.

Stupid? Mmmmm not sure, but definitely not suffering from PTSD. Chickesn do not operate on hyper awareness when sleeping. The wild turkeys though, they are a whole other animal. They immediately freak out, try to fly and hiss at you.

Seagrass said...

hahaha...!! you crack me up. yes, they are totally corporate chickens. they expect to be fed 24-7. they are mellowing out, though. they love to see me in the mornings, that's for sure.

i wouldn't get along very well with wild turkeys. i don't tolorate insubordination in my animals (j/k! lol). seriously, my dogs would probably kill them or kill each other trying to get to the turkey. good luck with that! are you going to roast them eventually?

sister*bluebird said...

No. But my husband does hunt. He might go hunt some real wild turkeys. We got these for integrated pest management. The other other corporate white meat!


When one of our domestic turkeys were eaten, we thought maybe wild stock might fare better outside of a pen, because they fly and roost in trees.

Their cantankerous nature was a bit of a surprise. The breeder offered me day old chicks, and now I think I know why. They might have been more pliable for hand rearing than these little hellions.

Anonymous said...

My husband wants to grow chickens (he grew up with them) - but I wouldn't know the first thing to do with them - and besides, I'm a tiny bit afraid of them. Isn't that just silly?

Seagrass said...

it's a little intimidating at first because you think it may be more complicated than it really is. it's really not that big of a deal, as long as you can deal with a lot of poop.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I'm truly enjoying reading your blog. We have a few things in common and I love your cynical sense of humor. Makes me laugh all the time.

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