Tuesday, May 13, 2008

blog tagging

ok, so i admit i'm a little behind. i had no clue what blog tagging was until a few months ago when bloggers that i liked to read got tagged and shared whatever information was requested and then tagged other bloggers. it's kind of like the popular kid's game, internet version. i never got tagged, didn't know the "rules" of tagging, didn't know anything, basically. but then i saw more and more of it and thought to myself, man this is kind of dumb. i get the concept - you know, share random bits of info about yourself to total strangers so you feel like you're "getting to know each other". but what i wonder is, why can't there be sharing useful information tagging going on? well, maybe there is, i just don't know about it. see, in reality, i'm just a dork trying to play with the big kids. so instead of waiting for someone to have pity on me and tag me i am going to make up my own tag and invite my own friends to play so :P!

in case you're like me and haven't the foggiest idea of how to play, here are (my) rules: if i mention your name and link to your blog in this post, you have to answer the question and tag another 5 people by naming them in your post. don't forget to alert them by commenting on their blog and let them know you tagged them. my tag is going to have a farm-y theme (naturally) and it goes something like this:

1. Name one of your favorite flowering plants and any info you may have off the top of your head about it.

2. Name one of your favorite farm animals or pets and explain why.

3. Name one of your favorite vegetable/fruit/nut plant/tree to grow and show picture(s) of it.

4. Name a plant or animal that you want to grow/raise in the near future.

5. Name a home remedy that you use for whatever ailment and share the recipe/technique.

that's it! wouldn't it be interesting to see what other people have to say about that? i think so! so, the people i am going to tag are:

1. my bff Vanessa, who just started her own blog and will hopefully grace us with a link to it in the comments.

2. Ellen, my first internet buddy :) http://everydaycraftygoodness.wordpress.com/

3. Amy @ http://www.magicalmuse.typepad.com/

4. sister bluebird, a new aquaintance @ http://sisterbluebirdgardener.blogspot.com/

5. Tammie @ http://unusuallyunusualfarmchick.blogspot.com/

i think it would be interesting and valuable information from these folks, and i am excited to see what they have to say. i'll answer the questions, too :)

1. one of my favorite flowering plants is the TEA OLIVE tree. i just love the way the flowers smell when it's in bloom. it smells kind of like a cross between honeysuckle and tuberose.

2. my favorite animal (besides dogs, of course) is goats. i've never had one, but i have been around goats, watched videos, and read a lot of stuff about them. i think they are absolutely adorable as babies and it's so cute how they like to bounce around, head-butting. i think it's endearing that they'll eat anything and they all have personality. i love goats!

3. my favorite crop to grow is peas. because they grow so fast and without fail, and they are fun to watch with the tendrils grabbing whatever they can. plus, they build up the soil with nitrogen and who doesn't love to eat peas? i don't have a picture of mine right now, but i'll come back and post it later :)

4. something i would like to grow in the future - well, there are actually many things. i'd like to grow leafy vegetables. for some reason, spinach and lettuce and rhubarb and all things leafy intimidate me as a gardener. i'm admittedly inexperienced but i've tried to grow leafy things and it never works! they just sprout and then die.

5. haha - i almost forgot this one myself! a favorite home remedy of mine is cranberry juice. frequent bladder infections (and UTI's) plague the women in my family and if you've never had one, consider yourself lucky. unfortunately, i hate all things cranberry. especially the juice. but, miraculously cranberry juice has worked every single time. i will happily chug a gallon of the stuff to make a bladder infection go away. i did find a cheat, though - cranberry pills! yes, you can get then in a little tablet, and i take a few of those if i feel a UTI coming on. but for a full on bladder infection, chug a gallon of cranberry juice!


Anonymous said...

Eeek! I've seen tagging on other blogs but I've never been tagged before. What if you don't know 5 bloggers? I'll try my best!

Seagrass said...

haha... try tagging a total stranger and see what they say!

sister*bluebird said...

I dont really know anyone either. The bluebird is brand new. Other than mentioning them and letting them know you expect a reply, is there anything else you do to tag another blog?

Hippy Mama said...

YEah we are all dorks! :O)

But here I am gracing you with my link! :OP LOL
Although you guys are going to have to wait till the next feeding for the post... :O)

ok I had to look up the new blog addy....



TADA but what's also funny is this will be my first post on it.

Seagrass said...


Seagrass said...

sister bluebird - that's pretty much all you have to do, that's what i did. i just wanted to see if anyone would play along, not really having high expectations but you guys ROCK!!! i thoroughly enjoyed your post! thank you :)

sister*bluebird said...

Hippy Mama can I link to your blog when you get done?

Hippy Mama said...

Sure! why not! :O) I have to admit I think I'm rather dull... I will work in honest on my blog today... really... I think... :O)

Anonymous said...

You actually inspired me to start a little blog to keep my FAMILY updated on some of my adventures...so far only my freakin dad has joined, and he's left no comments. It's a very white bread blog, for me. I'll send you an invite if you want, but you must reply on it anonymously, otherwise they'll make note of you and stalk you online, i'm sure. Did I ever tell you how I didn't talk to my mom for a few weeks and she hired a private detective to find me, and he did?!? yeah. I try not to give them too much information for reasons like that :)

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