Saturday, December 29, 2007

soap nuts and shiitake mushrooms

i got my soap nuts today! they are not very pretty nor do they smell very pretty but they do work! i am washing my first load as i type. the package came with a cool gift - soap nut earrings! i saw them on maggie's website but i didn't think they looked nice enough to actually wear but get this - i really like them! they just look like a big black bead. i hope this laundry thing works out, if it does i am a soap nut addict.

and finally i can upload some pics of the first mushroom crop. i kinda messed up the cycle cause i wasn't ready to grow mushrooms but out they came anyways. this pic is after about 3 or 4 days after soaking....

and after about a week - mushrooms! i didn't eat these, though. they are the test crop. right now my log is resting and in a few weeks i'll sprout it again.

i am seriously wanting some hens. 2008 is going to be a good year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

xmas 2007

i had a very relaxing holiday with no real agenda and no pressure. it was marvelous. must do it much more often. johnny and i just did stuff around the house, slept in like crazy, went to the movies, played with the dogs, etc. nice. i got him a new electric hair clipper and he got me a steam cleaner and an external hard drive. we also got my mom an external hard drive. i think my most favorite gifts i recieved so far is the soap from ellen and the book "a slice of organic life" from my boss susan. so thoughtful. i wish i was that thoughtful, i try to be but sometimes it doesn't always work out. i think mostly its because i end up wasting time. i don't plan ahead well enough, either. anyways, i hope everyone had a nice holiday. i ordered some soapnuts and i will post about those as soon as i try them out and i almost forgot! i need to post pictures of my mushroom crop. i got one of those mushroom logs a while back and i took pics of the growing shiitakes.

i am fighting a very strong urge to shop after xmas sales. like IKEA, which is having a big sale. and IKEA just happens to be right around the corner from my office. i hate IKEA but they are good to pick up odds and ends. no furniture, though.

Monday, December 24, 2007

tinkering school

another awesome web find from superpunch - the tinkering school. letting your child learn by doing dangerous things like playing with fire, using a pocketknife, taking things apart, using power tools and - driving! what a novel idea....

if you go to his site you can download and print out these funny stickers. i want to stick one on my bumper!

soap nuts

i love it when i come across something unexpectedly solved by nature. there seems to be an endless line of products from mother nature that for some reason isn't popular knowledge. well, i promise that whenever i find something that can be a healthier, earth friendlier option i will share it with the world no matter how silly it may sound. like soap nuts. yes, nuts that make soap. i got my greener-you newsletter email today and the subject was about this cool tree from china that you can use to do your laundry. since i kinda suck at paraphrasing, i'll just copy paste...

Dariel explained the fascinating history behind soap nuts and how they are relatively unknown in the Western world. Soap Nuts are the dried fruit of the Chinese Soapberry tree (Sapindus mukorrosi), similar to the lychee. A long time ago, local folks in the South East Asia figured out that when the nuts get wet, they release saponin, a natural surfactant, making them great for washing clothes! Maggie's Soap Nuts are the only household cleaner made exclusively from Nature, by Nature. A single soapberry tree produces hundreds of kilos of nuts per year! So they are very sustainable and fall to the ground in Indian and Indonesian forests where they are collected by folks who have used the nuts for centuries.

So how do they work? You take 4 nuts and put them in the linen bag that comes with the box, then use them 2 to 3 times according to the web site. I used mine 5 times. For heavily soiled clothes you can soak the soap nuts in hot water first to soften them up and then throw them in the wash. No fabric softener is needed. Maggie's Soap Nuts naturally soften and add body to your clothes. Soap nuts won't get your whites sparkling and white though. Dariel suggested using a bit of natural oxygen bleach. I suggested buying unbleached organic cotton clothing instead to avoid the issue. Soap nuts are great for delicates like wool and silk so that is a big plus.

i hyperlinked the name of the company that sells them to an amazon page if you wanna try them out. I am very interested and will definitely give these things a try. yay for nature!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

i promise not to bitch

i love jibjab. it just makes me happy. when's the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt and tears streamed down your face? i love to laugh like that, and funny videos make me laugh hard. actually, it's pretty easy to make me laugh. right now i have that ding fries are done song stuck in my head and it makes me burst into laughter anytime i hear it.

i am looking forward to a relaxing stress free xmas. no cooking a large meal for everyone, no worrying about gifts (even though i did buy people gifts this year), nothing to do but hang out with johnny, the dogs and my playstation. ahhhhhh.....

i just have to add... the bitchy dork in me likes to occasionally write letters to corporate companies about a particular issue that is either bugging me or that i feel should be encouraged. i have written to Marta, Costco, several online shopping sites and of course politicians. today i wrote a letter to varsity and i thought i would share this little note with you guys...

In case you haven't heard, Georgia is experiencing an exceptional drought. Everyone is concerned about water usage and restrictions and penalties are being upheld throught the community. Everyday people are trying to do their part to waste less water by letting their lawns die, not running water, flushing less, showering for less time, etc. What continues to amaze me is how companies seem to think they are exempt from the effort to conserve water. Every morning, I walk past the Varsity restaurant on North Avenue on my way to work. In the past 3 months I have seen someone pressure washing the parking lot on at least 3 seperate occasions. Is it absolutely vital to pressure wash your parking lot that often? I would imagine that the amount of Varsity trash I see accumulating around the restaurants is a much worse blight upon the landscape than a few stains on the asphalt of the parking lot. I would greatly appreciate it if the Varsity would participate in the water conserving efforts of the citizens of Atlanta.
Thank you.

aren't i a sassy one? the more i read it the more it makes me laugh at myself. but i hope they take it seriously.

this is cute - i have a whoville name - Heckling Heather Ockeroo-Who from i guess that name fits....

it never ceases to amaze me when.... i get responses to my emails. i don't know why but it makes me very appreciative that somebody out there cares enough to respond.
I just got off the phone with the general manager of Varsity restaurants who called my cellphone to speak to me about the pressure washing that his restaurant does. he explained it very courteously that the reason why they pressure wash is for public health and safety, and because they are mandated to do so in an effort to reduce the spread of food born diseases and sickness. makes perfect sense. i thanked him for calling me and explaining that. he said he hated having to do it because he is very concerned about the drought and hopes that we will come out of it soon.

what a nice man. i might have to try some of the food over there, i've never eaten at varsity before. hahaha.... omg i am evil.

Monday, December 17, 2007

peak oil

i learn so much from the internet, it is amazing. i've learned so much about the environment, technology, politics, parenting, home improvement, other people's stories, etc. i learn new things everyday that blow me away. today, for instance, i am learning about peak oil. i never knew what it meant, or how it affects me but with what i am observing about the world today everything seems so much more relevant than it did before. what could be worse than drought and an oil crisis, both of which we are currently dealing with? you can't just sit and wait something like this out.

i am pretty worried about the economy and the state of our planet. all of this is making me pay much more attention to the presidential race going on right now. it's hard to find the perfect candidate because i like one or two things from each. i admire someone for their conviction then find out something i hate about their beliefs. i admire the candidates who are still speaking up for the people and trying to make a difference in the government right now instead of schnozing with celebrities. i also admire candidates who have changed their views - nobody is perfectly right the first time but it takes a smart person to realize that and change. to be able to admit that something didn't work and present a new solution seems to be very rare among politicians. and why oh why does abortion have anything to do with politics?? WHY??? i try pretty hard to be open-minded and not prejudiced but i am so biased. so very biased. i really dislike christianity. when i read this article last week my prejudice was sealed in for good.

one day, the shit will hit the fan.

and just to lighten things up a bit here's a seriously funny video....

the shitstorm....and other stuff

having a house is great. privacy, freedom to do what you want, the ability to really decorate the interior, having a place you can truly call "home". what people may not realize is that there are about a million things that can go wrong with a house and it is up to YOU (or in my case johnny) to fix it - whether you know how to or not. as of right now, we have a leaky roof, no insulation, a scorched front porch, half-finished painting, mildew growing on the exterior, gutters that are detaching from the house, rats living in the basement, a heater that we just recently got to work, a doorbell that went senile and had to be taken out, cracks that you can actually see outside through, about a foot of pinestraw on the roof, a kitchen floor that sags, a bathtub that leaks and will probably fall through the floor soon, and half of the electrical outlets and switches that need replacing and/or a switchplate. and as soon as you get one thing under control another thing breaks down. and i hate it when my stepbrother is the one to break the news. last time we woke up to fire but this time right before bed saturday night he tells us that raw sewage is filling up the basement bathroom.

what do we do? there's nothing except don't flush any more toilets and hope that everything will go away by morning. not so much. first thing sunday morning johnny tackled the sewage problem. poor johnny. he hates to smell stinky things - it makes him gag. i have to admit, having a man around the house sure comes in handy cause i didn't even go downstairs to see the situation. all i know is johnny spent all morning trying to figure out how to fix it. it took a 25' long snake and some serious chemicals to unclog the sewer pipe. i wasn't so happy about the chemicals but it was either that or run the risk of flooding the basement in poopwater.

johnny needs a man of the year award for all the crap he's had to put up with since moving up here. i am very proud of how he handles everything - i mean, i'd be cranky too if i was elbow-deep in poo.

i would have just called a plumber.

in other weekend news, johnny and i went to the west end to help move my mom's office for the hundreth time. that woman does not understand the meaning of portability. her freakin desk was unreasonably heavy. and those damn sun faded burnt orange cruched velvet sectional couches from the 60's - yeah you don't need to see a picture to know how hideous they are - those couches have beeen all over the world and back. we brought them into the space she is using for her dollar store and also to check out our future business space. not happenin'. it's a nice space and would be perfect but she wants us to just use a couple of rooms in the back. hell naw - if we wanted to work in a closet, we can set up shop in our basement. we need a real shop. i was kind of pissed cause this is so typical of my mom. dangle the carrot and right before you chomp it shrinks down to a pea. or you take a bite and realize you have just sold your soul to satan...

so if we are gonna start small with a basement press room then we are gonna stay at home and forget about the govt loan and starting off with a huge 4 color press. we start small. i guess that's how many successfull businesses start, huh?

and last but not least johnny applied to the digital design program at Ai. i am very happy and he's nervous but i think he will be an excellent student. winter quarter begins january 7th. what a great way to start off 2008!

i finally get to open the calendar that inspires me so much - the front of it says "live with intention". i really like that saying.

Friday, December 14, 2007

baby talk

i'm just going to get this one post out of the way while i'm thinking about it and in the mood to write about it. it seems like the past two years the subject of spawning children has been thrown in my face everywhere i go. at work there were at least 3 or 4 women pregnant at all times. i start hearing about so-and-so from college who got married to you-know-who and had kids. then, my good friend V dropped a bombshell recently and announced her pregnancy. so, now i'm starting to feel left behind. but not to the point where i wanna go out and get knocked up immediately, so it's all good. but it's gonna happen - eventually.

this is monumental, folks. i am not a wanna-have-a-baby type of girl. i do not get all mushy over a baby like some women do. yeah, some kids are cute but mostly i just see a drooling little parasite that requires constant upkeep. i seriously prefer dogs. i watch those birth stories on tlc in complete shock and horror, like i've just seen a train wreck. the thought of the birthing process grossed me out completely. but the funny thing is, breaking my ankle changed my view. i'm sure my orthopedic surgeon had no idea how much his words would make a difference to me after he set my leg back into place. PAIN was being redefined as i screamed at the top of my lungs and he pulled and twisted my broken tibia and fibula back into a resemblance of an ankle. it all happened quickly, and he was very efficient but it hurt like hell nonetheless. afterwards he looked at me and said "childbrith will be a breeze for you now". and i thought ... really?

so now i'm not as hypersensitive about the pain of it all and i was able to really do some reasearch about the childbirth process. see, i research the hell out of things when i am worried about it... like death, starting a new business, changing careers, etc... anyways, that on top of my enthusiatically pregger friend V who has slowly transitioned me from a woman who likened giving birth with the horrible scene from Alien when the worm-like thing popped from that guy's stomach to actually planning my future birth. I'm close to a point where getting pregnant might not feel like the end of the world to me. but if i think about it too hard it still kind of freaks me out. but yeah, giving birth is undeniably the most amazing thing that humans can do. too bad it's been all chopped up and prepackaged for many women....

so, about a year or so ago i began a personal diary sort of thing to prepare and guide myself through pregnancy and raising kids. i did this as a failsafe to my admittedly instable personality. i don't ever want to take out my emotions on my kid. i want to make sure that i don't scar my kids for life by saying something i didn't mean to or doing something i didn't realize hurt them. it's actually kind of frightening how much power and influence a parent has over their kid - for example, my mother said to me once when i was really little, like 5 or 6 yrs old - "don't be a selfish pig" in reference to me wanting something (i think it was food). for some reason that line stuck with me for the rest of my life and it influenced me negatively in so many things, both conscious and subconscious. i am sure she didn't realize what she said would do that, but nonetheless it became a part of who i am. it made me insecure, worry about what others would think of me, worried that i really was a selfish pig, worried that nobody would like me because i was so awful. it also made me think i was fat since i was 6. i remember quite clearly sitting in the bathtub and thinking to myself "i am a fat kid" at that age. my mother had no idea. she's a totally different person now, but i don't want to make that same mistake. i think my sister has the same exact idea as i do. everything she does for her kids are an attempt to avoid the damage our mother did to us. in her defense, my mother was tormented in her youth, too. she didn't know any better, and i can forgive her for that. but i could not live with myself if i had that kind of effect on my kids. so i will do everything i can think of in my power to keep myself from unintentionally undermining my kid's self-esteem or confidence. or trust in me.

back to the diary - it's basically a collection of tips and advice i have found in various places - some of my own thoughts about how i want to raise my kids. rules, mission statements, guidelines, and of course the list of baby names i like. who deosn't have that? occasionally johnny and i will throw around some names we like and recently i actually made up a name that we both liked - mavelyn. it is actually fun to dream about having kids - i think maybe more fun than actually going through it. i have random thoughts throughout the day and a really bad memory so i have to keep a running file on my computer at work to jot down stuff i want to read later when the time comes. well, that's not such a secure way to store such information so i've been thinking about keeping it here on my blog - which i really write in for my kids and myself in the future anyways. and i would love to read comments on them. believe it or not, unlike many people, i am pretty open to criticism. design studios have taught me that ability. so, withought further rambling i would like to post the first piece from my raising my kids diary.

Baby Girl Names I Like: Abigail, Alexis, Autumn, Amber, Audrey, Carlee, Chloe, Cordelia, Dierdre, Emmelia (another one i made up), Eleanor, Fawn, Fern, Genevieve, Grace, Gwyneth, Gillian, Hannah (my bff in korea's name), Hailey, Harmony, Hazel, Justine, Keilani, Kimora, Kailee, Lidia, Lily, Lealana, Matilda, Madeline, Meadow, Melody, Mabel, Malorie, Mila, Morgana, Mavelyn, Noemi, Olivia, Oliana, Phoebe, Piper, Pomona, Rhiannon, Sophia, Scarlet, Tabitha, Vivien, Virginia, Willow, and Wilhelmina. I like middle names that are flowers or animals for some reason. very hippy and cliche but i like 'em.

Baby Boy Names I Like: Arthur, Adam, Ashton, Benjamin, Bradley, Cole, Conan, Connor, Colm, Daniel, Devan, Dylan, Elliot, Ethan, Finley, Fredrick, Garret, Gareth, Harold, Harrison, Ian, Jarrod, Joshua, Jeremiah, Jeremy, Jacob, Kieran, Kevin, Kinsey, Korbin, Liam, Lucas, Maddox, Maxwell, Miles, Oliver, Owen, Percival, Perry, Phillip, Quinn, Reese, Remy, Russell, Seth, Sean, Stanley, Thomas, Tristan, Theo, Victor, Vaughn, Warren and Wilbur.

I didn't find as many boy names I like and there are a ton of names, all of which seem over-used. Most of them are really irish or biblical, neither of which really fits in with me. If I wanted to go norweigan and korean we would have some ugly baby names. it'll sound like hawking a loogie. I want to try to find at least one name I like for every letter of the alphabet. Girl names are definitely a lot more fun. We've decided that I'll pass on my surname to our daughter and Johnny will pass his to our son. that way we can continue the sort of matriarchal surname tradition on my side of the family and johnny can pass his name down, too. seeing as he is the only boy in his family that still has the potential to hand down the family name....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

my xmas list

seeing as only 3 people read my blog, i am not concerned about anyone actually going out to buy something on my xmas list. if you happen to be one of those 3, please don't take this as a hint about what to get me for xmas. I really don't need anything but good times with my friends & family... besides this isn't a modest list...

now, disclaimer aside, here is a list of stuff I would really like to have one day...

- soymilk maker, tofu making set

- carpet and upholstery steam vacuum cleaner

- rowing machine

- drill press

- pottery wheel

- Wii

- enamel coated dutch oven

- kitchenaid stand mixer

notice that everything costs in the triple digits. i'm expensive. oh, i will get everything on this list - eventually... if i had to pick just ONE thing from it, it would be the rowing machine. why? because it's something i'll need the most for 2008 - in my effort to be healthier. the next thing i would get is the steam cleaner. we could really really use the heck out of that. all the other stuff is just me being greedy. it's nice to dream, though.... the best of all would be if i could find all this stuff in good condition secondhand. craigslist here i come....

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the case of the rotting stench

i've been taking marta on a pretty consistent basis now and i am waiting for the pounds to melt off. not happenin. i am also too pooped by the time i get home to do much of anything - like walk. i'm hoping more than anything that all this walking is helping my ankle return to normal. besides inhaling exhaust i enjoy my daily walks through the ga tech campus, listening to my zune and just daydreaming.

now to the humor. last night after work i was sitting on the couch and i kept smelling something funky. i couldn't really tell though because my sense of smell is a bit off. plus we have 3 dogs, 2 cats and a dirty kitchen. so i dismissed the smell as dog flatulence. i did, however mention it to johnny who also dismissed the smell.

we made chili and rice and watched mr. & mrs. smith on the couch. once we finished eating, johnny looked over at me with the same face i had on - "what's that smell?" it was confirmed - there was indeed a funky smell coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the living room. since we had all three dogs lounging on the couch with us we naturally assumed one of them farted. then johnny remembered that syrus has a chronic case of anal gland issues and suggested that his butt was seeping. i have never in my life expressed a dog's anal glands nor do i intend to. johnny said that a sniff test was in order - which i answered with a you-must-be-crazy look. so, at johnny's request i got a tissue and wiped syrus's butt. i couldn't bring myself to smell it so i gave it to johnny and he sniffed the tissue. at this point i can't contain my laughter and i start to wheeze from laughing so hard. he then wiped bibi & louie's ass and confirmed that the smell was not coming from them! omg - i was dying. johnny threatened to kill me if i blogged about what he did so i guess this is my last post, people. nice knowin' ya....

we searched high and low for the source of the smell and could not find it. it smelled like decomposing garbage mixed with some natural gas. we wondered if a rat died somewhere around the house or, the smell is just too bad for it to be anything but something organic rotting. we still don't know where the smell is coming from. we slept with some windows open seeing as it's been in the mid 70's here all week.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

life plans

i just have to get something out of my head first cause it's haunting me. last night i saw a puppy dying on the side of the street. it must have gotten hit by a car. it seemed to look straight at me, and the image is burned into my head. i hate to see shit like that, it bothers me very badly for days. i was depressed all last night. but johnny helped to make it better by making me my favorite dish - spaghetti. he hates it when i am sad. which is like a lot these days. i think it's just a mix of pms and bad luck but he thinks i might actually suffer from depression. well, whatever. who doesn't? my problem is that i dwell obsessively on the morbid and negative. i can't help it. i really really wish that i didn't do that. i like to think i am an optimistic person with enthusiasm. on the other hand for some reason too much beauty and happiness also makes me cry - some things seem to me too awesome to handle. wtf? what's wrong with me? either way my emotions are extreme and all bottled up inside cause i can't explain it. maybe i should really find a therapist. johnny wants hypnotherapy to quit smoking. at this point, i agree. i can't stand it anymore. it gives me headaches and makes it that much more difficult to breathe when i already have asthma. he also smells like smoke all the time. it sucks. more importantly, he's killing himself slowly which pisses me off the most. he is otherwise perfectly healthy. quit smoking, dammit. he is trying a bit - got patches and nicotine gum. 2008 is going to be a good year, remember?

now that the bad stuff is out of the way i can focus on the good stuff. such as life plans. i've always sort of just sat back and let life lead me but now i want to lead my life. i know in the back of my head what i need to do, but in typical ocd heather fashion, i must list and categorize it first. to start off, i need to take my LEED AP exam and get it over with. i have put that off for waaaay too long. that's me being lazy. which is my default status unless there's a fire lit under me. i also need to get my IDP credits signed off by ex-boss asap. like by january asap. once i have that out of the way, i imagine i will get busier at work. during that time i am going to help johnny as much as possible to get through school. he wants to go to AI to learn graphic design. i think he should get the digital design associate but he has to apply for financial aid first. while he's in school i am going to figure out how to finance our business. we have some leads i just need to follow up. we came up with a really good business plan to start an environmentally friendly printing company to cater to the green businesses in atlanta. we are going to start off applying for a govt. subsidied loan for new businesses in a dehabilitated area of town. it's actually a part of downtown that is growing rapidly and hopefully we can contribute to its revitalization by offering services to local walk-in customers like internet/computer access and recycling. i hope we can open our business by next summer. i know that's a stretch but it's a starting point. my other business idea is to start a pedicab/ rickshaw service in buckhead but i am in no shape to be bicycling around buckhead, much less carrying people. johnny smokes too much to do that too, so we'll go with the print shop. johnny knows everything about printing so we have some expertise already in the bank. this can also be a way to sell some bamboo/hemp printed t-shirts like we originally wanted.

at some point, johnny and i will have to consider ourselves. i originally wanted to start a family by the time i was 28. that milestone has passed. i am facing 30 in 6 months and even though i do want a kid, the thought of actually having one scares me almost to death. that's a whole another topic...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

it's that time again...

once a year johnny and i torture our dogs and have their picture taken with santy claws. this year was miraculously easy. i say this because syrus is deathly afraid of santa, bibi is just too strong and stubborn for anyone else but us to hold, and this was louie's first picture so we didn't know how he would handle it. they did beautifully. please just take a moment to soak in the hilarity and look at the picture. look at how damn goofy louie looks - he hasn't got a thought in his head so we got him the big moose ears. bibi has on a halo (naturally) and syrus is rudolph. he looks like he is trying to distance himself as far away from the guy in red as possible. we had an audience of people watching to see how it would all pan out - when the lady with the camera snapped the photo, everyone made shrill noises to keep the dog's attention forward. it was kind of scary.

14 acres & a 60th bday

johnny and i just got home from dry pond where my mom is probably still belting out korean karaoke songs. it's her 60th bday and a bunch of her friends came over to eat and sing. unfortunately, my poor mom has a very bad ear infection and she is in quite a bit of pain. but nothing can stop my mom from having a party. when i was a kid, she used to invite all her friends to my birthday party and it always ended up being more her party than mine but i got used to it; i liked to see my mom having a good time. i can only take so much karaoke, though. she loved the digital picture frame - everyone was oohing and aahhing over it. i also gave her the shiitake mushroom log all wrapped up. i think her friends were jealous at all the awesome gifts she got.....

before the party, johnny and i went to 14 acres and surveyed the land. we let louie run around (we left syrus and bibi at home) and we hiked along the creek as far back as we dared to go with the daylight fading. i am falling in love with this land - it's pretty wild. there's little to no evidence of people being there - i found a really old rusted soda can and someone long ago carved their name on a tree by the banks of the creek. the ground is completely covered in a thick blanket of leaves, which made walking the land treacherous. i almost broke my legs when i stepped into a deep hole that had been filled with leaves. i fell as though the ground gave away beneath me, like in a cartoon, up to my knees. for a split second i panicked but it was no big deal.

i totally love the creek - it winds between our land and the neighbors - everything to the right of the creek is ours and everything to the left belongs to another farm. they have cows. the creek has some small waterfalls - and even beavers! we saw at least 3 beaver dams - so cute. we saw evidence of busy beavers all around the banks of the creek - all the trees had been chewed about a foot from the ground in a perfect conical shape. the creek is definitely the highlight of the property - but most of it just looks like this:

....lots and lots of leaves and tall scraggly trees. i don't recall seeing any pines - a blessing! i hate pines! i have enough of them at my house. occasionally we come across big hardwood trees that grow in a clump. i think they are birch trees? i love them. see the carving? we are going to bush hog all of the small brush but leave the bigger trees. the land will look very different after that.

Friday, December 7, 2007

desperately needed hope and inspiration

despite the fact that johnny and i had to wake up and leave the house by 6:30 am, i am in very good spirits today. i took marta and met my mom at our second southface sustainable roundtable. this roundtable's topic was food. i was all over it as soon as i heard about it. i knew my mom would be down for it so we signed up. there were three speakers - a guy who does urban farming programs, a master chef, and a co-housing community farmer. it was very interesting and heartwarming and i listened to every word. after the lectures, i went straght up to the co-housing guy and asked him about interning on his farm. he said he had one spot left and that i could apply. so right away i emailed him when i got to work.

i also spoke to a lady from UGA's agriculture dept. and she gave me information about a certificate program in sustainable farming. since the alpaca farm didn't reply to me, i think i am going to have to go through contacts via southface - but that's even better! oh my god - i feel so much closer to my dream i am overwhelmed with hope and inspiration. one thing unanimously agreed upon is that georgia needs more - more organic farmers, more sustainable processing facilities, more farmer's markets and CSA's. the demand is there and strong - we just need more people to supply. during lectures my mom would lean over and whisper into my ear about roof gardens on her hotel and having ricky spread chicken poop on the 14 acres.... oh my god.... my 14 acres.

i am going to have to name it soon.... mom has dry pond but i want something unique and expressive. when johnny and i walked around the land it was nothing but a forest of small hardwood trees. relatively few pines and a few larger hardwoods. it's atop a pretty steep hill but there's plenty of flatness. there's a bubbling creek at the bottom of the hill, alongside the property line that has a small waterfall. the ground is soft and organic - and the only access is a dirt road alongside the interstate. we will have to put sound dampening skyrocket junipers and probably a bridge of some sort to cross over the really deep culvert, but first and foremost i must plant the orchard. this weekend i am going to visit the site again and i'll post pictures. i am pretty excited!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


this is a fun little quiz.... i am looking forward to seeing this movie, too. seems like a while since i've been to a good movie. johnny and i have been using netflix for about a month now and it's really nice. we are using the heck out of membership, that's for sure. we probably get about 9 dvd's a week, 3 at a time. yeah.

i read a couple of articles on MSN about death. it sounds morbid and everything but i actually learned a lot. it's a sad event but of course inevitable. there are ways to make it less - traumatic..? i think about my own mortality probably way more than i should but only because it scares me so much. there are some really horrible ways to die, and i wondered why do humans have to suffer long drawn-out painful deaths if everyone knows it's going to happen? you should be able to choose to put yourself out of misery. i don't want to die slowly from pressure on my brain, i would rather be put to sleep. that way i can say my goodbye's and not make my friends and family suffer along with me. it that against the law? would it be considered suicide? it seems like you should be able to exit this life on your own terms (where possible). well, i know this blog is turning a bit dark lately but i think death is an important issue and the more i know about it the better i seem to feel.

i am so ready for this year to be over. i really really hope next year will be good. i don't know how to guarantee it, but i'll try. i need to remain honest with myself and don't be lazy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

FU 2007 - Hello 2008

since my last post is so depressing, i can't let it be the top of the page for too long. It's a looong story but we've got bibi stablized for the time being. she is still in serious condition but we are coping. let's just say this week has sucked pretty bad - i'm still coughing like crazy and yesterday i spent about an hour in the morning cleaning up dog poo and vomit before i went to work. but it's all over (i hope) and i am going to put it behind me. we just have a few weeks left in 2007 and despite the extremely shitty year it's been i would like to try to make the best of what's left. i am really really hoping that 2008 will be a blessed year for us and to help remind us that things CAN be worse I am going to highlight some of the shittiest events of 2007. (in chronological order)

1. *I got rid of James (after calling off the wedding at the last minute)
2. I broke my ankle in two places requiring metal implant surgery
3. I was bedridden for a month, wheelchair bound for a month, crutches for another month and still in pain/discomfort
4. I had to call off my AT hike (obviously)
5. I lost a couple of friends in a huge argument (misunderstanding, actually)
6. Louie had to have a hematoma removed from his head
7. I got a nasty skin infection on my toe which still isn't healed
8. I got very ill with flu and cold - several times
9. I got fired
10. I was unemployed for 2 months
11. Bibi is critically injured

oh, and an honorable mention to all the little shit that happened in-between all of the above including (but not limited to) bouts of depression, weight gain, financial hardships, and various medical maladies that would be TMI for most of you.

*note: this is actually a really good thing, but going through it was hell.

The good things that happened to me this year are: Johnny and I got back together.
And to prove that I CAN turn lemons into lemonade - I realized how completely miserable I have made myself by not following my own heart and from now on I am going to make better decisions. This year has been about learning lessons the hard way so hopefully i can use this knowledge to make next year better. The most valuable lesson - rely on nobody but yourself. Nobody else is going to help you make the decisions you need to make or help you through anything. Be as self-reliant as possible. That will be my motto from henceforth.

Johnny and i agree that we can't be victims of consequence. we should try to be as independant as possible - starting with our careers. living under the fear that you could be unemployed at the drop of a hat is damaging to your soul. why work to make someone else rich? we are going to come up with some plans to make our own business and slowly wean ourselves off of working for other people.

In order to start off 2008 right, there are some items that need to be resolved this month: Bibi's legs, our budget, my IDP credits, and a business plan. One of our highest priorities for next year is HEALTH. something that cannot be taken for granted. I am tired of being sickly and fat whereas johnny has made serious health advances this year by quitting mt. dew and tapering off the junk food and smoking. i haven't done shit to improve my health except educate myself.

My mother's brithday is coming up and i got her that digital photo frame. i think she will like it a lot.

Monday, December 3, 2007

bibi can't walk

this is a very difficult post for me, i have been very very upset since sunday and didn't even want to write about it but i think i should. we took the dogs to dry pond to run around and bibi somehow hurt her good hind leg. now both her back legs are bad. the left one is lame from the surgery that failed back in spring and now it's the only hind leg that she can use because she stopped using her right one altogether. i'm so devastated i can't stop crying and i want to throw up. we are probably going to have to have the implant surgery on both hind legs which means she won't be able to walk for a while - and for bibi that's going to be tough. she is such an active dog, she loves to swim in the ocean, run at top speed, and wrestle. i don't even know how we are going to get her to potty, much less play. she's only 3 years old. it will take months for her to heal, then we have to figure out how to get her physical therapy which is basically learning to walk again in a pool. i had to do that when i broke my ankle and it can be tough - not just physically but emotionally. she's a very dense dog and after all of this i'm afraid she will be reduced to half her size. the worst is sitting at work knowing she is at home in pain and not being able to do anything about it. i am trying very hard to get her vet to admit her to UGA's vet hospital for emergency orthopedic surgery. until then, she won't eat, drink or even wag her tail...poor bunni....i just hope we can afford all of this because if we can't i really dont know what to do.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, November 30, 2007

my new forehead

something i've never really been able to have before but always wanted - bangs. now, with my straight perm i can have bangs! so here they are - i cut them myself day before yesterday. johnny almost had a heart attack but they came out decent...

my brain

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (50%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (34%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?
personality tests by

i'm not so sure these results are very accurate, especially since you only answer a page of questions. i don't think i am very intuitive....

and a personal profile based on colors that you pick from colorgenics...

You have a vivid imagination and this is good. Great inventors, explorers all had inventive, imaginative minds. Your friends and acquaintances may consider you over-imaginative and given to fantasy or day-dreaming. So what ? this is a part of your character and charm.

You are very self-sufficient and methodical. You presume to know where you are going but need to find a person who will recognise the way you are, not be too demanding and who is, as they say in Italy, 'Simpatico'.

At times all of us would like to be like the ostrich - to be able to bury our heads in the sand and let the rest of the world go by, but unfortunately you can't do just that - you have to face up to reality. A little peace and quiet would be most acceptable at this time but if only one could turn a blind eye to the problems of the day! Tomorrow is another day and who knows, it could be 'today' (not tomorrow) that could be the first day of the rest of your life!

Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.

You are anxious about all the limitations to which you are subjected to at this time. You feel that you are not valued for what or who you are. You need OUT. So why procrastinate any longer - MOVE! color - another quiz i took online today...


You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at!

Your score was 63/180.
2,884,210 people have taken this quiz.
And 608,330 got Blue like you.

this is a personality test, which was actually pretty good. i think it's accurate and i like the way they ask the questions. here's my full report:

My personalDNA Report

mouse over the colors to see what they represent...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

my immune system sucks

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

well, i thought i was in the clear but i was wrong. i'm tempted to blame johnny for this but who knows how i got sick again. yesterday after lunch i started to feel a tickle in my throat. i figured it was the heater (i hate convection heat!) at work and i knew if i breathed in that shit for too long it would make me sick. well, by bedtime my throat felt like it had been rubbed raw by a thousand razors and i didn't sleep all night long. this morning i could barely speak when i called in sick. luckily, we have zicam - like every product they sell. the cough spray really really helped cause everytime i coughed i wanted to cry. right now i am just really tired and somewhat feverish. my throat feels a bit better. hopefully i'll be better by tomorrow, but things could go downhill fast. i've been watching old episodes of charmed in bed with the dogs. i truly hate being sick.

in crafty news, i made an xmas ornament - well actually alot of our xmas ornaments we made - but this one i photoshopped the dogs into a small frame we got at michaels. i made little snowflakes out of doggie bones and made it look all pretty. we got some great ornaments on our tree! this weekend i think johnny is going to decorate the outside of the house - our neighbor across the street put up a bunch of lights so now he's feeling competitive.

today my mom took me to a korean restaurant for fish soup and she asked me about my future. always a loaded question. but she kept it low-pressure. she even told me that i could have that 14 acres of land with the waterfall. it's a small relatively useless patch of land but it's still land. it's the area where she wanted to put a subdivision and i tried to convince her into making it a green community. i'm actually kind of surprised that she's taking me seriously about the whole living in the country thing. she said she regrets not planting those black walnut tress on her other property when she first bought it back in the early 80's. she said i should plant trees right away. i think that's exactly what i will do.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

is this wrong?

or is it ok?

and another thing...i'm feelin a bit randy today.... by randy i mean random....hahahaha....

"heat her"! haha.... i crack myself up.

H e a T H card disc with push out letter e R

Monday, November 26, 2007

the tree...

in all its glory.....

i heart my xmas tree so very much. i am going to enjoy everyday of it's sparkly splendor until christmas. this picture really does not do it justice. and i think my camera kinda sucks. but i love my little xmas tree....

rain, glorious rain.... we had rain today which was like a blessing. the dogs stayed in the house all day and did very well until after lunch when louie chewed up my new knitting book. i was very pissed. i really wanted to spank him but then i had to remind myself that he's just a puppy. and its just a book. he's just bored and it's just paper. breathe.

i organized my office a bit to let off some steam. i really need to go through my mail and for the love of god check my account balance. i haven't done either one in weeks. seriously.

my mom's bday is coming up and i want to get her a digital photo frame loaded with a bunch of her photos. the problem is a good one costs about $100. then i thought about making her an apron but the frame is a much much better idea. i can make her an apron for xmas present.

i love my mom. she is crazy but now its almost a good kinda crazy. korean moms re-define the notion of crazy in a way that's indescribable. my mother goes above and beyond any conventional definition - ask anyone who knows her. i told stories of her to my best friend kim for years and she didn't believe me until one bad day from hell when my mom was swerving all over spaghetti junction screaming about being taken advantage of and throwing mail out the window with kim praying to god in the backseat. now she believes me.

Friday, November 23, 2007

'tis the season

yay! it's almost christmas! i freakin love this time of year - especially when it snows. i used to love christmas so much as a kid, but after a while it became kind of a burden. i've been thinking lately about the whole concpet of xmas and after some research have decided not to teach my children that santa claus brings them toys and of course baby jesus was not born on that day. what a confusing holiday, huh? so many traditions from different cultures just got meshed together and now all people know is they need to start shopping in october. since i am not christian, it seemed a bit hypocritical to celebrate xmas, so i decided to learn about the history of the holiday and see if i can find the real meaning somewhere hidden and disguised by the church. well, there's a lot. and it's way too confusing to go into here so i decided to make up my own christmas. to me, it's a day to celebrate winter, to celebrate the warmth and bounty of the hearth and family and friends. it's a day where you can show your appreciation with a thoughtful gift. it's a season where you can decorate the house to look alive and pretty despite the dead branches and cold wind outside. i think santa claus is a fun story character but i am not going to have my kids seriously believing that a fat man in a red suit is going to jump down our chimney. i'm sure they will wonder what's up with all the mangers and babies and mules so i'll explain the christian version of the holiday too. it's hard to resist the shopping binge especially with all the sales but i don't want my kids thinking that it's all about presents. it's about making other people happy.

so today johnny and i went up to dry pond and let the dogs run around and play. we were going to try to find a tree to cut down but luckily we saw a small sign for xmas tree farm right up the street. for $18 we spotted ourselves a nice little cedar tree which we cut down and strapped to the roof of my car. we like this tree. it's so cute in its own little way. i felt bad for having to cut it down, though. we have a whole month to decorate it and i think it will be chock full of good times for us.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

gobble gobble!

happy thanksgiving, everyone! i have been up and at 'em since 8:30 this morning. i have baked more stuff the past two days than i have in my whole life. i started out with pumpkin muffins (all this from scratch, btw) that came out really good, then spiced oatmeal cookies, then gingerbread cookies. for the feast i made homemade cranberry sauce with walnuts, wild mushroom sausage stuffing, caramelized onion and gorgonzola cheese mashed potatoes, spinach, cauliflower & tomato gratin, apple dumplings, and of course turkey. johnny and i bought everything from the dekalb farmers market and i tried to make everything as healthy as i could. i pretty much spent the entire day cooking. mom came over at 5 and we ate a fantabulous meal. even the dogs got to have a taste of thanksgiving - plenty of table scraps. louie was putting on his best angel-puppy face for mom. today was a nice day. who knows what we'll do tomorrow....

this woman can eat an amazing amount of food. i think she has 2 stomachs!
gingerbread men (actually bears) and apple dumpling (to die for!)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


i almost got it to work....god i wish i was more of a computer geek....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

gettin the hang of it

i love lazy mornings in bed with the dogs....

moto is sleeping in...he likes that heating pad way too much

one thing i didn't expect to happen from my adventures on MARTA was a new perspective on life. Yes, i know. it sounds corny. but i actually mentioned it to my mom the other day and she totally agreed. apparently, not to be outdone (never!) by me, my mother has been taking MARTA as well. she picked me up from work last week and we talked about atlanta's beltway project and how the city will be changing over the next few years - and how walking around the city and taking a train makes Atlanta a completely different place. first and foremost, walking forces you to see more. you'r not just zipping by that building, you can slowly stroll past and actually register the details that someone meant to be there. believe it or not, a lot of the built environment is intentional - and it's kind of fun for me to figure out why someone put that there, or made it that that parking garage with the overhanging vehicles. the next most noticeable thing are the sounds, smells, and quality of air - which actually sucks for me. i hate breathing in the pollution but it comes with the territory. i guess overall it has been a multi-sensory experience for me - kind of like time has slowed down and i am observing in slow motion. it reminds me of seoul so much, its almost overwhelming. i don't know if its a good or bad thing, but at the very least it makes me feel like a part of the city as opposed to an occupant of the city. i also notice the amount of homeless people in atlanta. i haven't been bothered by any of them because they are usually sleeping in a cocoon of blankets when i walk past. i have been thinking about handing out some biscuits and coffee but i don't want to get trampled and i can't afford to feed all of them. not all the time, anyways - i would feel horrible if i was handing out food and someone didn't get any. i don't know what to do. i still feel gulty about the homeless guy we saw by gwinnett mall who was begging on the street with no shoes. it broke my heart but at the same time froze me from action. why do i fear homeless people like that? i want to just take them home and wash and feed them but i don't want to insult their dignity, either...i sometimes find it really hard to believe that my mother and i were nearly that desperate long ago..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

quickie update

our heads are too big and my arm isn't long enough.....

johnny and i went to the opera last night at the new Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center. we saw 'hansel + gretel' which was performed using mainly puppets. it was a very different opera - kind of traditional but really americanized and modern. i didn't care for the songs much, but it was entertaining. we had excellent seats on the mezzanine level, just to the right of center. it was johnny's first full opera (he attended a listening event before the opera house opened) and he had a good time.
isn't that concierge desk cool?

i happen to know that those are extremely expensive chandeliers......
tonight was the first meeting for the craft club i have been trying to put together and as expected, nobody really showed up. i think the first real meeting will have to happen after the holidays.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

new look

wow. i had no idea the world of blogging was so big and complicated. my brain feels scrambled as i spent hours googling templetes and xml and wtf is a widget? i found a couple i like, but i really want to create my own and now the harsh reality that i am just not that good is beginning to set in. i get pretty far and just when i think i'm done i'll get an error message or a message saying i have to delete all my widgets forever. i still don't really know what that means but it doesn't sound good. i am also thinking about moving my photos over to flickr. i don't like photobucket much - never have. so basically its a web overhaul for me. and i've been left behind technologically. maybe i should just give up and have a plain blog and not complain. but i want it to be pretty and i have to learn this stuff. man...why do i start a bunch of projects at once???

the time has come...

this blog has been in existence for only a very short time - since september to be exact. i've had a blog before - back when i was slightly psychotic and taking effexor. that is a very dark, dark blog and i never want to read it again. but this blog has gone very well despite the downs i've been through lately. so i've decided to go all the way with it. i honestly didn't think i would stick with the blog - i have issues with following through on things. but i like it. and it had a purpose even though i never mentioned what the purpose really is. so i guess i'll reveal the purpose of this blog - it's super corny but i have never been able to keep a diary i like before. with pictures, rants and raves, etc. i actually put some raw emotion into it for the world to see (not that they are but still) but mostly all of this is for my kids. not necessarily for them to read in the future - but for me to read in the future if i ever forget who i was way back before i had children. it may remind me to be a better person, or it may remind me that i am a better person already. i don't really know but i think honesty is the key to the success of this blog. if i ever find myself pushing my son into becoming a doctor or lawyer i can read this blog and remember how miserable i was going through architecture school just to make my mom happy. anyways, that's just one example. it can't hurt to be able to look back. i also think that the timing of my blog is a bit divine - any sooner and this would be another dark dark blog full of the misery that was being crippled and stuck in an engagement with a total moron. but since johnny and i got back together, all seems right again. so this blog is blessed, in my opinion. and i shall treat it so - despite my lack of web design savvyness, i am going to attempt a design for my layout instead of using a generic template. this is going to take considerable time and effort and i don't spend that on things i don't care about. so, to the few of you out there who actually do read, please excuse the mess that is going to be happening during the construction. i'll still post but you may notice weird stuff floating around.....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


well, i suppose it was only a matter of time before i had to post some pictures of the pots i made this year. this is my second year of throwing pots on a wheel so i still consider myself a beginner. in fact, i don't even really know how to make plates - i guess buying some batts first would help. i got too caught up on mastering the centering technique - which didn't pan out very well - to really learn anything new. i did however manage to make bigger bowls. so now i have upgraded from miniature cat bowls to rice bowls...even a few soup-worthy bowls. the next thing i need to get the hang of is glazing - cause you never know what you're gonna get.

this isn't the most flattering picture of my newest bowls. the one with the squiggly sides was my first attempt at a big bowl. the clay was off balance so the edges wobbled out and i decided to just go with it. i'm really just too impatient to be a good potter. anyways, i seem to be better at trimming, even though i developed my own technique which doesn't resemble anything i was taught in class. AND i have come up with the perfect way to trim the bottom. there's a 1/4 inch glazing rule but no matter how meticulously i wax the bottom i always get drippage. so, i trimmed a double rim on one of my pots so i could wax the side easier and stop drippage. it worked like a charm - check it out:
by the way, i liked this glaze color combo the best - cream breaking red rimmed in rad red. next bowl i glaze will use this combo, and i want to do a half n half dip with a light green like celadon and a dark blue. i have a vase waiting to be trimmed and i have no idea what to glaze it. i need more glazing techniques.
well, that's all for now i am tired. may post again tomorrow for the heck of it...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

my 2-hour commute

yes, that's right. it took me almost 2 hours to get to work this morning. granted, my timing wasn't spot on but still - i spent a ridiculous amount of time just waiting in the cold. the ride wasn't bad, actually. i tried to read on the train but found myself getting carsick. i found the bus stop pretty easily but once there, got a little anxious about which bus to get on. i think about 5 buses stopped in front of me, none of which was my bus. i asked every single driver, too. of course the bus i had to get on (it finally arrived after about 40 mins.) was packed to the gills and driven by an obviously disgruntled employee. i think she works at the doraville post office, too. what a beotch. anyways, i stood on the bus, trying not to fall over and trying not to have an asthma attack from all the b.o. i got off the bus two stops early partly because i couldn't take it anymore and partly because i was afraid she would fly right past my office and i would have to walk back a long distance. i left the house this morning at about 7:20 am and strolled into my office about 9:10 am. i actually called one of my co-workers to come pick me up at the bus stop because i thought the bus was never going to arrive. but just as i called him the bus showed up so i told him i would finish my commute with MARTA. whilst waiting for the #1 Coronet Way bus, I noticed that I was standing underneath a particularly interesting parking garage and actually though to photograph it. can you see anything interesting about this parking garage?

if you can't, i'll tell you. the cars are parked OVER the edge of the slab. I have never ever in my life seen this. it seems a wee bit dangerous - as i can't imagine that railing with mesh is strong enough to hold up an SUV that's gone a little too far. i don't think there are wheel stops, but that would be the only way this makes sense, so there's got to be stops somewhere. code requires a minimum of a 24' drive aisle two ways (12' one way) and i suspect that they ran out of width for the drive aisle, which prompted this insane solution. although, i can't imagine anyone at the city of atlanta permit office (as inept as they may be) permitting this. the minimum length for a parking spot is 16' - for compacts. that is an SUV teetering on the edge! unbelievable. i wonder who came up with it....

in more important news, i am going to have a completed project by the end of this week. the beautiful fabric i bought from Joann's was EXACTLY the right amount of fabric i need to make a pillowcase for our extra long body pillow (which has no case). It's shimmery double-sided sari made of silk and eet eez magnificent!!

and the poor, neglected sewing machine that i shall make this pillowcase with:

but i have decided to treat this sad little sewing machine like a treasure. i downloaded the manual and i am going to get some machine oil and johnny is going to clean it for me. this machine will return to its former glory soon. i did find out that it's a model 201 which was made in 1947 in elizabethtown, NJ. 15,000 machines were made in this model. it's supposed to be one of the best singer models. i also have a dressmaker but i haven't got a clue how to operate it. i am going to tackle that next.

i am still debating on whether ir not to take MARTA tomorrow. I have a pottery class after work and it makes no sense to take MARTA but i don't know if i feel like going to pottery class....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

second attempt at public transit

i forgot to add to my last post that this week i shall attempt to get to work using public transportation - MARTA. for those of you who don't know, MARTA is quite possibly the world's worst public transportation system ever. without going into extreme detail let's just say it's inefficient. my new job is located in midtown - right by georgia tech. my house is located right by spaghetti junction. by car, my morning commute (if i leave before 8 am) is less than 30 minutes. i used MARTA's website to "calculate" my commute - and it turns out that I will have to take one train, two busses and walk almost a mile to get to work. oh, and it will take an hour if I leave my house by 7:30. all that for a $1.75 one way. so either i can leave my house at 8 am, listen to the bert show and drive my big ole honkin minivan that gets about 25mpg and arrive at work by 8:30 am OR I can leave my house at 7:20; hop a train, two buses, walk a mile and pay $1.75 and get to work at 8:30-ish. i want a freakin badge for choosing the latter. my hopes are to lose some weight and have a happier conscious by taking MARTA (it's smarta!) but I have a feeling I am going to end up cold, tired, pissed off and stranded. Here's a little history of me and MARTA:

A few years ago, when I gave up all that I knew and decided to live near ansley mall amongst the gay, tattooed & pierced artists I was happily self-sufficient. Yes, I made $9/hr working at the dentist office behind my apartment complex, and yes, I could only afford to get one foot-long sandwich from publix for lunch and dinner per day. I attempted to take MARTA for the first time to go visit a friend who was only a few miles away. I should have walked but I figured I should learn to use PT. so, I packed my satchel and wore an old tshit and my army-inspired wrap skirt and headed off to the front of the complex where the bus stop was. I stopped at the mailbox along the way to pick up my mail and saw that the guy who lived in my apt. before me had gotten some cataologs or magazines or something all wrapped up in white plastic.

i stood at the bus stop in the sweltering heat for what seemed like an hour before my curiosity got the best of me and I opened the mysteriously wrapped magazines. of course they turned out to be the most filthiest porn my innocent eyes had ever seen. i quickly stuffed them back into my satchel just in time for a freak rainstorm that only lasted about 10 minutes but completely and totally drenched me. at this point, i am standing in a mud puddle and seriously thinking about going back to my apt when i finally see the damn MARTA bus coming up the street. I quickly got my money and waited for the bus to stop. then i noticed that my tshirt was completely translucent and my bra was showing to the whole world. i got on the bus, arms crossed and put my soggy money into the collection box and walked to the middle of the bus. there were some strange lookin people on the bus but i figured that was probably normal. i sat down and almost relaxed before i thought, how do I get off at the right place? will he just stop there, or did I have to tell him where to stop? In korea there was a button you push when you wanted to get off so I looked everywhere for a button. I found a rope contraption so I hoped that would do the trick. A very short ride later, I see my stop coming up so I yanked on the rope and got up - first mistake. I guess you don't really stand on a moving bus in the states. i was used to korean buses where you can do cartwheels down the middle if you wanted to. I almost busted my ass when he stopped the bus.

then I went up to the middle door and stood there, waiting for the driver to open the door. I looked at him, he looked back at me in the rearview mirror and somebody said "push the door!" feeling totally embarrassed and like a dumbass, i pushed the door open and it gave away, causing me to fly headfirst out of the door and land on my hands and knees in the mud. my pornos went flying everywhere and i flashed everyone on the bus my underwear. the embarrassment was complete and total. i went to my friends house not wanting to talk about it. i swore i would never take public transit ever again. then gas went up to $3.00/gal. and here i am about to take MARTA again. But this time I will not make an ass out of myself. i hope.

dry as a bone

it's amazing how easy it is to take simple things for granted in this day and age of convenience. you get so wrapped up in the silly things like cellphones, tv shows, he-said, she-said, baby mama drama, etc. All the while, the planet is still turning and there is an entire world that you are only a teeny weeny piece of going through an amazing transformation. Life on this planet, no matter how much we think we are in control, is still precious. It takes only a flick of mother nature's wrist to induce a devastating catastrophe. Maybe as kids you just don't think about it much and you take it for granted that way. I was pretty eco-conscious as a kid. I thought everybody was, honestly. Conserving was kind of a given - especially in the korean culture. I'm used to rationing water and reducing waste. I started living my own life and got trapped in the american lifestyle of abundance and waste and this drought has turned a glaring spotlight onto my evil ways. Like many people, I took water for granted. I have never "felt" the effects of a drought, whereas our ancestors relied upon it life or death. Thankfully, I don't waste extreme amounts of water like say, a wealthy family with a 3 acre front lawn. But I could have conserved more I suppose. I'm not so worried about our water consumption as much as our waste production. The recycling program at our house is still working out very well. The next thing I worry about is our electricity consumption, which is out of this world. I really want some solar panels (I need to cut down some of these trees, first, though!). However, this past weekend the drought took center stage when we went up to my mom's driving range and saw this:

this is the fishing pond. the black thing you see on top of the pipe is the overflow drain. the wall behind it is the dam. there's barely enough water in this poor little pond for fish. I imagine they are all dead. the lake looked ok, and i think it's partly because they sacrificed this fishing pond to make sure the lake didn't go down too much. it's weird walking into what used to be a fishing pond. the floating dock was sitting in the reeds on the wall of the pond. the dogs however, saw water and dove right in - to the mud. it was actually pretty funny watch louie and bibi try to run in mud up to their shoulders. of course, syrus wouldn't dare get that dirty.

in other news, I have officially become a craft addict. I have spent a ridiculous amount of money of fabric - but dear god they are the most beautiful fabrics ever. I almost don't want to cut them. I now have plenty of fabric to make some crafts and even a few skirts. I haven't given up on knitting - I think that's just going to take a little longer. I have banned myself from craft shopping in the meantime. It was starting to get out of hand.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

it's f*ing cold

like i said, it's f*ing cold here in atl. tonight it's supposed to go below freezing, which is a big deal here in this state. i am already suffering the beginnings of a cold. mild headache, runny nose, sneezing, tiredness, and sinus pressure. at least its not the flu. i hate the flu. unfortunately, the echinacea goldenseal i ordered online was just shipped today so by the time i get my herbs i'll probably be over the worst part. i am going to raid johnny's dresser tonight for some echinacea.

i finally took the mazda into a mechanic. i would be really assed out if it blew up on me like the camry. it wasn't so bad, he flushed and cleaned and told me to bring it back if i notice anything. i really liked this mechanic. finally, a mechanic i can trust. i paid a little more, but he did what he said he would.

i had to start taking iron pills this past weekend. i was so drained i could barely do anything and i know i am already aenemic so i bought a bottle of dried ferros sulfate. yummy. now my poop is green.

last night i posted an ad on craigslist. to my complete surprise, i got responses. here's the ad. i hope it works out. if it does, i see myself really succeeding at organizing such a thing. i have been practicing knitting everyday and i just completely suck at it. jane showed me some awesome tricks sunday night. that woman can knit with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back. she actually wears what she knits and it looks good! i swear by the end of this year, i will complete a knitting project, even if it's a washcloth. and it probably will be.

since yesterday i have eaten an entire sleeve of chips ahoy cookies. i just had to get that off my chest.

Friday, November 2, 2007

funny video...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

demon bride, mime-witch, 1408 and......peter pan?

well, halloween was almost a complete bust. without going on a tirade, johnny basically neglected to pay the electric bill which ended up getting our power shut off on tuesday. thankfully, it wasn't as cold tuesday night as it was monday night so we didn't suffer too much. unfortunately, i had invited a bunch of friends over halloween night to watch a movie. which i had to cancel. i was about to be pretty pissed but i kept reminding myself that mistakes happen and it's just halloween - nothing special... anyways, the power was restored in the nick of time and we had our scary movie night. johnny put on his scary demon mask and wore a black robe. we didn't buy the wig and the hood was missing from the robe so we tried to improvise. i got an old black lace poncho and put it over johnny, which just made him look like granny-demon. so then i pulled the front half of the poncho over his forehead and draped it over which then made him look like the bride of satan. i was laughing hysterically. both of us put on crappy makeup which burned our eyes and skin. I ended up looking like a mime in a witch hat cause i didn't have the patience for all the heavy makeup. i had originally wanted to be a homo-suicidal clown witch. in any case, we did get to scare a few little kids which made me happy. i don't know why kids screaming in fright amuses me....
my friends came over and we all watched the movie 1408 which was just scary enough for me. good choice, i think. we ate a bunch of cheeses, quiches, spankopitas, and really bad hummus. why is store-bought hummus so bad? i only had one that tasted any good and i can't find it anywhere. anyways, johnny is now dealing with ga power and his bank cause they over-charged him and it's turning into a nightmare. i don't think he'll make this mistake again. i hate utility companies. i get harrassed by verizon every month, they just suck money right out of me. i am going to have to do something about that.

so blah blah blah..everyone wants to know about the new job. well, it's still new so i can't really say with 100% certainty that i love or hate it. so far, i really like it. it's like working for your uncle or something. it's like having an alternate family and i rather like it. however, they have a LOT of catching up to do with technology. i think i can help with that, if they are willing to let me. i do not like the traffic on the way home, though. especially when tech has a game. it sucks.

and last but most definitely not least...i have found the motherload. THE mother of all crazy delusional sociopathic weirdos.... if this guy doesn't end up killing someone i will be surprised. people, i proudly present to you....PETER PAN!

Monday, October 29, 2007

so here are some of the pictures i promised to post. mostly of the dogs (of course). since it's been getting colder around here, they tend to sleep alot. bibi has very little fur so i had to get her a hoodie, but she hates it. i have to knit her a sweater fast otherwise she will freeze and her arthiritis will bother her. yesterday vanessa taught me how to knit, so today i am going to go buy some needles. i also tried to take pictures of the moon the other night. it was so beautiful it looked almost staged. the moon was full and so bright, you could see the rabbit clearly but the wind was blowing the wispy clouds like a smoky swirly haze. it's the kind of moon you see in movies when something magical is happening. well, my camera isn't the fanciest so the most i could get was a bright blur. but even that turned out pretty cool. without further ado....

bibi tends to stick her tongue out when she sleeps, but this time she stuck it out really far so i had to snap a photo. well, today is my last day of vacation so i have alot to do. i feel very refreshed and ready to "start over". we deep cleaned the house, organized closets, got a lot of things in order and today i shall do pottery some light shopping and cook. good times.

Friday, October 26, 2007


that's a squeal of excitement if you didn't know. after a week of interviews i finally took an offer. i got the news today while hanging out at west end with my mom who's going to korea tomorrow for a week. they offered me more than i asked for, which was cool. i like this firm a lot - they are very very small. i interviewed with them twice, the first was on one of their jobsites and the second was a lunch. i met with all the senior staff, including the principal. he's a great guy - we hit it off instantly. it was probably the most candid interview i have ever had. i told him about how i honestly felt about my previous job and my career in general. we agreed on everything and spent 2 hours just talking! it was a marathon interview but we were so engrossed in our conversation time just flew by. i though long and hard about joining this firm all week, so i was prepared to accept if they offered me the job. so, i start next tuesday and i am pretty excited. i get to do what i went to school for and i don't have to play the corporate politics game. the people i will work for are very close knit, like family. it will be a refreshing change and i am optimistic.

it's kind of late so i can't do it now, but i have to post some pictures i have taken lately. bibi got a new hoodie and i tried to take a picture of the moon last night. it was beautiful. i also bought - this may seem weird - fabric remnants on ebay. some really pretty scraps of vintage prints on cotton. i have to organize my office again - what will i do with all my crafting supplies?!

all in all, i am happy. i am optimistic and content. i think this past couple months have been very enlightening for me and i am ready for the next chapter.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

making headway

i actually made something cute yesterday. i nearly went blind trying to thread my needles, but i managed to produce a new pincushion for myself seeing as louie ate my last one. i decided to make a faux sushi roll out of pre-made felt. it came out kind of cute if i do say so myself.

i've been on a mad crafting/farming/child development/education/ home business/ heirloom gardening information hoarding binge. i have learned a lot. it kills me how you go through life trying to figure out what you want to do then when you finally got it you spend the rest of your life trying to get there. it really blows. i'll try not to rant today, though. i have been keeping myself placated through ebay and amazon. i've bought a few books and random things through ebay like buttons and beads, wool fibers, and felt. i have serious plans to take over the world with this stuff! last night i could hardly sleep with all the ideas running through my head. i really really wish that i could record my thoughts. i have ideas forever. i have so much information and ideas in my head there's no room for anything else. i am running out of space up there. what's really fucked up is if i try to write them down i begin to forget. it's like once they travel from brain to mouth or brain to hand the ideas begin to decompose. also, johnny and i stayed up half the night talking so we didn't get much sleep. i have another interview today which i'm not really looking forward to. back to johnny - he's really starting to get me now. it's awesome. i believe he has attained the position of the only person in this world who knows me better than anyone. sorry, kim. but you're a very close second, dewd. even better, he is speaking his mind about more things. i don't know if he was worried about hurting my feelings or scared of starting a fight but he found the balls somewhere to have a serious conversation about who i am, what we are. i'm quite proud - and glad that he feels comfortable enough now to do that (finally!) i guess i have to return the favor - but here's where him and i differ. i guess he thinks that knowing every detail of someone's past constitutes as "knowing" them. i typically forget about the past. i wish it could be erased from my head. i don't like to talk about it and i don't think its very relevant. i have no desire to know every detail of his past, either. i think he wants to share it with me, though. i think the future is so much more important. but maybe you have to know the past to see the future, i don't know. if that's the case i am going to be seriously depressed. but i'm going to concentrate on the present and future. it seems much more worthwhile. what i love most about johnny is his incredible patience. it's truly unbelievable how much shit he puts up with from me - and i know everybody likes to think i dish out evil bitchiness to him but it's not always that. i test him in so many ways and it's stuff that would probably piss off or annoy most people but his incredible sense of humor and kindness just swallow up whatever i throw at him. it's really hard to find that in a person. i haven't seen it anywhere else. if you know johnny, you probably have seen that about him. humor and patience is priceless. i need as much of it as i can get. in return, i have to figure out what johnny loves about me and make sure i deliver on that. i can't imagine it's the "name that smell" game i like to play at random moments. i can't imagine he likes being bossed around by general om. maybe i make him laugh cause i am so hopelessly nuts. whatever it is, i hope it doesn't go away. ok, now i have to go to my stupid interview.

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