Saturday, June 21, 2008

the big 3-0

today is my 30th birthday.

it's weird but i always considered 30 to be the age where you HAVE to grow up. i kinda lumped the 20's in with the teenage years and 30 is the official milestone into adulthood. wow, was i ever wrong. i've been an adult since i was a kid. now that i am an adult, i am more like a kid. i think "adultness" is way over-rated. i still want to have fun and do silly things. i seem to be way more into it than i was as a child. i mourned the idea of turning 30 because i had given myself a deadline and that was my first mistake. i'm re-connecting with the things i missed as a kid and i love it. i want to see and do and learn and play with enthusiasm because i want my kids to have a childhood like an adventure. how can i give them that if i can't recognize it myself? so now, my 30's is going to be all about happiness - what it takes to be happy and going there. i learned my lessons the hard way in my 20's and now i think it's time to reap some rewards.

my firends have come to visit me. i even had some old firneds i haven't seen in a while visit... it is nice to see them again. we went for a hike around the lake this morning and had indian buffet for lunch. we took naps and played with babies and puppies. i'd say that's a happy day!


turningwheelfarm said...

Happy Birthday! I went to a pumpkin patch, was pregnant with a pumpkin in my belly and then we went out for Indian food on my 30th. And playing is important no matter how old you are. I like blowing bubbles, fingerpainting, sidewalk chalk and taking naps too. Of course my daughter isn't taking a nap anymore which I kind of miss but oh well. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Heather!!! 30 is the new 7! Being able to still play like a kid when you're an "adult" is the best! Just look at what you've done with your yard over last few months, it's so fun! I hear 40 is even better!!

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