Tuesday, June 3, 2008


in total contradiction of my recent post where i talked about blogging less, here is an important annoucement i need to make.

i am now a proud member of the atlanta pet chicken meetup. i seriously want to attend the next meeting because i have very important questions to ask, like:

how do you keep them from pooping all over the coop?

how do you get them to try new foods?

what really is the best method of slaughtering a chicken?

what do you do about the flies?

will all the roosters crow, or just the alpha male? are there alpha males?

when will i get any damn eggs?

does anyone have problems with their neighbors over the chickens?


turningwheelfarm said...

That will be fun a chicken meetup! I don't know how you get them to try new foods. Maybe feed them a bit later and then first put out the new food for them to try? That way they'd be hungrier and try it maybe...We have fly traps from the farm store we use, I can't remember the name of them though, that work pretty well. I don't think you can get them from pooping on the coop. :) I don't know about the other questions as we aren't allowed nor want to have a rooster. I assume they all crow though. I liked the book "Living With Chickens" I think it's called. It had the most info in one book. I checked it out of the library awhile back. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Chickens will poop on everything, everywhere. Very good fertilizer.
What kind of new food? Chickens love corn, grass, chicken feed and some weird things you wouldn't believe.
I know it is strange living on a farm, but I just can't bring myself to slaughter the animals I raise. Never have and hope I don't have ever have to. We have taken animals to processers though. I know the old fashion way they slaughtered chickens when I was a child. Cut their heads off or ring their necks. I am too softhearted to do it.
Chickens are usually pretty good at controling flies on their own, but the fly strips do help.
All roosters crows, but their are alpha roosters, I guess you can call them that, that like to fight the other roosters. You will have to watch them, they will kill the other roosters if they have big spurs on their feet/legs.
You will get eggs when the hens are about 4 or 5 monthts old, usually.
I don't have any close neighbors way out here to complain, thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your chickenly adventures ^_^

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