Thursday, June 5, 2008

atlanta botanical garden

last weekend a good friend and i visited the gorgeous atlanta botanical garden and took these marvelous pictures... i really can't add much commentary to these pictures so i'll let them speak for themselves... enjoy! :)

i do have to say this little guy is so green and cute! i love lizards. he almost looks like a baby iguana but he's just a little garden lizard. he sat there for a second eyeing me but let me take his picture before scampering off!

there were a bunch of moving sculptures around the botanical garden, this being one of them. we didn't take a whole bunch of pictures for some reason, but i really love the look of rock gardens...

isn't this orchid gorgeous? the orchid display was my second favorite - right behind the rainforest exhibit. you'll see why...

isn't this just breathtaking? well, i guess you'd have to be there in person to really appreciate it. those are roots hanging down from the really high ceiling above in this rainforest greenhouse. the roots hung almost to the ground, you have to walk through them and it's fantastic!

and finally, the piece de resistance! this absolutely gorgeous blown glass sculpture by artist Dale Chihuly is on display in the green house, and it's truly magnificent. this guy is awesome.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I love Chihuly! I went and saw one of his shows a few years ago in Utah! Wow! Gorgeous glass art.

You took some gorgeous photos. I like rock gardens, too. Probably because we have mucho rocks around in our area and it's hard to plant anything with large rocks in the way. The trick is to find the right plants I suppose.

I would have loved walking through those rainforest roots, too! Cool!

And lizards are so cute!
I get so angry at the cats for killing lizards. I tell them to kil the mice, not the fun little lizards. They eat the creepy insects and are useful.

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