Friday, January 4, 2008

presidential caucas

i am so politically confused. i wish i knew more about it all but i make do with what i got. i'm kind of sad to see dodd drop out cause i liked his tenacity in supporting the constitution (go habeas corpus!) but i kinda knew he wouldn't make it. i have done lots and lots of research and it all seems to lead me in circles, but i found a pretty good website to help me figure out which candidate suits me best. you fill out a profile (you have to register) and a questionaire. then it gives you a really easy to read pie graph of which candidates match your profile. according to it, i am most compatible with mike gravel, whom i know next to nothing about. after that it would be dennis kucinich but unfortunately i now think he's a little crazy, no offense, i really like the guy... then after that it's john edwards whom i don't really know if i trust. he's too airbrushed or something. the furthest dem from me is hillary and even then she beats out the closest rebublican to me who is huckabee. i would rather die than vote for him. i cannot believe anyone would want a preacher as a president. are people that adverse to paying taxes? i mean c'mon everyone pays taxes! i think we should be trying to make better use of tax money instead of selling out to pay less. after that it guiliani. i dont trust him either. i need to find out more about this mike gravel, even though i don;t think he's got a flying chance. i'll probably end up voting for obama if it turns out to be between him, hillary and edwards. maybe i need to research edwards more....

oh i almost forgot - if you are wondering what to do with your xmas tree take it to be mulched! There's a program in our area (possibly in yours, too) called Bring one for the chipper and if you bring your xmas tree to a participating home depot, they will give you a dogwood seedling for free! We are doing that this weekend, I can't wait!


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