Wednesday, July 23, 2008

zoning regulations suck

so the first thing johnny and i see when we got back from beaufort and savannah was a notice taped to our front door from code enforcement. apparently they came by while we were gone and nosed around our house. they wrote me up for have chickens in a neighborhood zoned R-100 and for having paint cans in our carport. jerks. i don't understand why we can't have chickens at our house. the only nuisance they are is the periodic crowing from the roosters. but honestly - we can hear sirens, trains, horns honking, giant dumptrucks, semis, school buses, and bass booming all day long in this neighborhood. what's the big deal about a crowing rooster? i find it kind of funny and endearing to hear jerky and potpie practice singing - it's cute. but i guess that's just me and i'm a wierdo.

regardless, we are going to have to get rid of our chickens by the end of the week (also unfair!) and i think my mom is going to take them, along with the coop johnny built, over to her place - at least until i can find them a good home (stop rolling your eyes). i know of a small petting zoo that was looking for chickens so maybe i'll start there.

why aren't we just going to eat them? well, i'm a little too attached to jerky and potpie to actually kill and eat them. the others not so much. but most importantly, they are not tasty birds. my mom (with the help of bibi) killed and butchered one of the cocks a while ago and she made stew (which i didn't eat either). she said the chicken was way too tough. i guess our birds are leaner than the average grocery store chicken and have very little fat to make them juicy. i guess they get too much exercise. i think our birds are quite happy - they get to roam around about 2 acres of backyard complete with ponds and gardens and bamboo forests and little gullies. it's like paradise for chickens.

so, i can hardly send my priveledged birds to some butcher for a meal. i know i'm a wuss.


Anonymous said...

I think they zone for chickens because of the waste, not the noise. I'm not entirely sure though.

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